4 Peaceful Miles to Float

Boat Shuttle Service – Juliette to Hwy 83

Juliette to Hwy 83

Meet the Ocmulgee Outdoor Expeditions shuttle bus at the take out, which is the Juliette River Park in Juliette, Georgia. Meeting time is 10:00 a.m. You’ll load your boat on the bus and be driven upriver to the boat ramp at Highway 83.

Enjoy a beautiful float of approximately four miles back to your vehicle at the take out in Juliette. Made famous by the movie, “Fried Green Tomatoes,” Juliette is the home of the Whistle Stop Cafe and after you finish your paddle, be sure to stop in and enjoy some of the eponymous treat.

Quick Details


Includes Up to 50 People




  • Amerson River Park to Popes Ferry: 8:30 a.m.
  • Spring Street Boat Ramp to Amerson River Park: 8:00 a.m.11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
  • Juliette to Hwy 83: 10:00 a.m. Offered whenever Max’s Favorite Float is happening or by special arrangement. Click the calendar on the right to see the dates and sign up online.

What To Bring

  • Sunscreen
  • Water
  • Snacks/lunch
  • Water shoes (or a pair of old sneakers)
  • Towel (but you can leave that in your car)

Things To Note

  • We need a minimum of 5 boats in order to run this shuttle if there is no scheduled trip.
  • There is no bathroom at the meeting point, but there is a nice convenience store with a clean restroom at the corner of Hwy 87 and the Juliette Road, so please stop there and buy some water or fill up and then be at the meeting point for the shuttle on time.

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